A Silver Parachute

I was sitting there under my tree with the boy I had formed an alliance with. I was very tired after I had a brief night’s sleep where I dreamed of the dull brown fields of District 11. Suddenly out of the corner if my eye, I saw a bright flash in my eye. As I stared at the UFO type object it seemed like a silver trash bag with a small box on the end. I showed it to my friend and we stared at the bright and shining object and decided if it was safe to open it. I smelled it to see if it reeked of poison, but it seemed to smell like cardboard. Then I opened he package and to be honest, I was very scared that the package might be a bomb or something dangerous that another tribute sent to try and kill me. Out of the box popped a brand new camera with a note. It was from a sponsor and they expressed their anger about how I had not killed anyone and my lack of competition. So to hopefully boost my motivation, they let me film a video and send it back to my parents. This did seem to help me because it took off the effects of homesickness.

One thought on “A Silver Parachute

  1. Good job joe! I wonder if you would want to tell your parents if you were afraid of anything. Maybe adding that information would have made this a little bit better. Work it Bill!

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